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Information regarding coronavirus - updated 31.01.22

Coronavirus (COVID-19) may give rise to questions or worries. From February 1st 2022 there will no longer be COVID-19 restrictions in Danmark, thus Heimstaden will keep these restrictions: 

For residents

When we meet at your home, you will experience that our employees wear face mask. We do not shake hands and maybe we will ask you to keep at arm’s length. It is not a sign of disrespect but a precaution we take to make sure, we stay on the safe side.

It is important that you contact us for a new appointment, if someone in the household gets covid- or flu-like symptoms with e.g. cough, shortness of breath and fever.

Showings – for residents and housing seekers
If you are moving soon and your residence is booked for a showing, Heimstaden will take some precautions when visiting. Both our letting consultants and guests will wear face masks during the showing.

Legally, you are obligated to let us in to your residence personally, but you decide if you wish to stay at home during the showing. A showing takes approx. 15-20 minutes).

For housing seekers it is mandatory to wear a face mask before - both when visiting inhabited and empty leases. Our rental consultants have extra face masks available if you do not have one with you.

We kindly refer to the Danish Health Authorities guidelines, which you can read here:
Heimstaden (Opdateret )

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