Velkommen til Heimstadens hjælpecenter!
Som beboer, kommende beboer eller erhvervslejer hos Heimstaden ønsker vi, at du skal have den absolut bedste oplevelse. Derfor bestræber vi os på, at du nemt og hurtigt kan søge svar på dine spørgsmål.
Her i vores offentlige hjælpecenter kan du frit søge i tidligere stillede spørgsmål, og finder du ikke netop dit spørgsmål besvaret, har du mulighed for at skrive til os herinde.
Bemærk: drejer dit spørgsmål sig om forhold i et specifikt lejemål, eller ønsker du at kontakte os fortroligt, henviser vi til MinBolig, som du finder link til på Beboersiden.
Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!
Unfortunately, we do not change the names on the lease.
In continuation to the above response,
Earlier me and my friend was living in this apartment, now my wife just moved with me and my friend has moved out,
what can I do to add my wife's name in the lease agreement and remove my friend's. ?
Please contact us via our mail to - We will need more information from You - Where do You live ? - what is Your contract number, and Your mail ect. We are looking forward hearing from You.
You will need to contact us regarding renting the common room on MinBolig.
Please turn to the page - and sent a request on specific date.We will also respond
in there directly to You, with the information You need. On this page, we cannot see which common room You are enquiring about. Thank You.